Sports Massage

Experienced Medical Team

Various Online Payment Methods

Modern Medical Equipment

Sports Massage

Rp. 175.500

Rp. 234.000 25%

Experienced Medical Team

Various Online Payment Methods

Modern Medical Equipment

The price includes for 2 people

Note: The listed prices do not include consultation fees with the doctor.

Sports Massage treatment is conducted at the Royal Sports Medicine Centre, located at Royal Progress Hospital, Sunter, North Jakarta. The listed prices include admin fees.

Sports Massage is not just a regular massage; it provides benefits for muscle stretching, injury prevention, and speeding up recovery time. The package includes stretching for a recovery program.

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Home care Transportation fee are based on the distance of destination.

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Convenience for You & Your Family

We understand the importance of convenience during health check-ups. Our medical check-up rooms are designed not only for convenience but also to adhere to medical standards of cleanliness and sterilization. With our Priority Lounge facility, we are dedicated to providing a medical check-up experience that meets international health standards, allowing you to undergo your examination with peace of mind, safety, and comfort.


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